Montepulciano Film Commission

Montepulciano Film Commission

The people and institutions of Montepulciano are used to living with film productions, which receive a very warm welcome here, along with maximum collaboration in terms of availability of space and prompt solutions to the various technical problems that even the best organised and structured crew can run into when working on location.
The town has a unique heritage of Renaissance streets and squares which, without particular intervention, allow productions to start filming just a few hours after arrival, guaranteeing very particular atmospheres, and evoking historical and classical situations that are both realistic and effective.
Either directly or via negotiation with the owners, the Municipal Authorities are able to make numerous service spaces (carparks and logistic areas, warehouses and storage points), historical locations and the rooms of several antique buildings, available, often on an exclusive basis, for the whole duration of filming. The management of access to the old town – much of which is subject to traffic restrictions – is also simplified, in order to meet production requirements.
Thanks partly to the long-term experience of the Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte workshop and all the entertainment events that are part of Montepulciano’s cultural life, lots of artisans and specialists are able to make their professional skills available on-site, considerably reducing production costs.
In short, Montepulciano really is in film and for film.