Preview of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, on February 2nd and 3rd 2025
The 31st edition of the Preview of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano is scheduled from 2 to 3 February 2025 in the ancient fortress of Montepulciano, with a rich tasting program open to wine lovers and operators. On the 40 or so tasting stands of the respective participating companies, the new vintages on the market from 2025: Vino Nobile 2022 and Riserva 2021. An international catwalk involving the entire community of Montepulciano that for two days will be taken by assault by many fans from all over Italy.
The program
The Preview of Vino Nobile will officially open on Sunday, February 2nd, with a day open to wine-lovers, and will close on Monday, February 3rd. From 11 to 19, in addition to the tasting at the producers’ stands, it will be possible to know the territory through the many partners that give life to this which is the prominent event of the denomination in its territory. The access to the Fortress, as well as the programme and list of participating companies, are available on the official portal with the possibility of purchasing in advance tickets and to accredit yourself as an operator at the event. The Preview program will then resume on 15 and 16 February in exclusive for the accredited press with the proclamation of stars (the rating to the vintage with a 1-5 star rating) for the 2022 harvest on sale from this year.
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