Il Sentiero del Nobile
Il Sentiero del Nobile
The Sentiero del Nobile is a trail named after Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and, indeed, it runs around the hill, in land cultivated mainly with vines, also touching Montepulciano Old Town. It covers a total distance of 18 km and links up with other trails that have been rediscovered and registered for their historical, cultural and landscape value.
The Sentiero del Nobile allows contact with the various aspects of Montepulciano, starting with the rural landscape. In its 18 km length, the route offers a chance to really understand the town and its territory, exploring the culture of the place, its history and the way the landscape has been maintained, designed and kept over the centuries by generation and generation.
The trail starts at the Sanctuary of Sant’Agnese, near Porta al Prato, and continues towards the Temple of San Biagio before descending, amongst olive groves and vineyards, towards Val di Chiana. Here, the trail intersects with that of the Bonifica. This route, which is part of the 7,000 km of itineraries already registered in Tuscany, has been created on the basis of the ancient trail that, from the Via Francigena which is not far away – using the Sentiero della Barlettaia, which arrives from Pienza – led towards the inland areas of Tuscany and Umbria, meeting up with the ancient Via Lauretana. The project to recover the trail was drawn up in compliance with the regulations of Rete Escursionistica Toscana (the Tuscan Excursions Network), using georeferenced mapping tools.
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The two videos are available on a platform external to the site and have a duration of 2 minutes and 28 seconds and 28 minutes and 36 seconds respectively. The videos show films made during bicycle excursions in the Montepulciano area and are not subtitled. By clicking you will leave