The two bike sharing stations in Montepulciano are active

Starting from March, discover Montepulciano by bike. You can rent classic and electric bicycles from the stations in Piazza Don Minzoni in Montepulciano and Montepulciano Station, opposite the train station. The stations are part of the circuit “Green Hills”, present in the municipalities of Valdichiana Senese, see here the map with the ten bike sharing stations.

How to do?
To rent a bike, you need to download the Weelo app and search on the map for the bike sharing station. Once reached, you will have to indicate on the app the number of the column from which you pick up the bike, wait for the green light flashes and the device emits “beeps”. When the “beeps” will be in close sequence, you can unhook the bike from the station, lifting it slightly and pulling it with decision towards the right.

How much does it cost?
To rent the bike, you can choose between two payment methods, both with credit card:

  • Rechargeable: 15€ credit included, without expiration. You pay only the time of use, equal to 3€ per hour or fraction.
  • Annual subscription: 50€, valid for 365 days. The figure includes 40€ fixed fee and 10€ credit included. The usage time is 2€ per hour or fraction, with half an hour free for each rental.

In case of exhaustion of the credit, you can recharge from 5€.

How do you return the bike?
At the end of the tour, you can return your bike to the bike sharing station where it was picked up or at another “Green Hills” station. Simply place the bike in one of the free stands and make sure it stays firmly anchored; the three ‘beeps’ with green light confirm that the bike has been returned.

Need some help?
The customer service is active every day from 7 to 21, at +39 011 0142691 or via chat Whatsapp, at +39 348 510 3240.

This initiative is part of the activities that encourage outdoor and sustainable mobility, characterizing the city of Agnolo Poliziano and of Vino Nobile as an ideal place for outdoor tourism, between nature and culture. In particular, remember the 100 km of trails all to be discovered of the itinerary Montepulciano Active, a modern hiking network, with themed and differentiated loop routes for type of users ideal for trekking, cycling or horse adventures

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